Saturday, June 17, 2017

Custard Powder Shake

Click to view in Youtube:
2 1/2 small glasses of milk
5-6 tablespoon of suger
3 tablespoon of custard powder
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
some chopped nuts(almond, pictachio etc)

1) Take a deep pan and add 2 glasses of milk.
2) Let it heat and let the boil come.
3) After coming first boil add suger and mix it well.
4) let come another boil.
5) Meanwhile, take a glass and add 5-6 tablespoon of milk and add 3 tablespoon of custard powder and mix it well.
6) Make sure there is no lumps in the mixture.
7) Now, after coming the second boil add this mixture into the milk.
8) Mix it well for 5 minutes.
9) Now add vanilla essence. (This can be optional)
10) Mix it well for few minutes.
11) Tranfer this milk in a bowl and let is cool in room tempreture.
12) Keep this in a refrigerator for 2 hours. (If you are in hurry you can add ice cubes and blend in the mixture jar.You can serve it chill).
13) After 2 hours blend this mixture and pour in the glass with some ice cubes.Garnish with nuts.
14) Enjoy chilled Custard powder shake.

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