Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Watermelon Lemonade Recipe

Click here to view on youtube>>https://youtu.be/9WOOrtPjkjo
1/2 small watermelon
1 tablespoon of black salt
2 tablespoon of sugar
4-5 fresh mint leaves
1 lemon juice
5-6 Ice cubes

1) First of all peal and cut the watermelon into small cubes. (If it is seeded watermelon, remove the seeds and then cut it)
2) Add the small pieces of watermelon in the mixer jar.
3) Add black salt, sugar, mint leaves, lemon juice and 2-3 ice cubes
4) Blend everything well.
5) Its ready to serve.
6) Pour the watermelon lemonade in the glass, add few ice cubes if you want and serve chilled. Enjoy!!

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