Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Dates & Coconut Cookies Ice Cream Sandwich

Click to view on YouTube>>https://youtu.be/vFRfA6ajJxs
11-12 seedless dates
8 tablespoon of milk
1/2 cup of walnuts
1 1/2 cup desiccated coconut or coconut powder
6 tablespoon of vanilla ice cream

1) First of all in a mixer jar add seedless dates along with 4 tablespoon of milk and grind it well.
2) Make a smooth paste.
3) Transfer this in a bowl.
4) In the same jar add walnuts along with 4 tablespoon of milk and grind it well.
4) Transfer it in the same bowl with dates paste.
5) Now add coconut powder and mix everything well.
6) Spread equally in a flat dish and make a cut in between using knife.
7) keep it in freezer to set for 3 hours.
8) Take it out after 3 hours and separate both the portion from the cut in center.
9) Now on one side top it with some vanilla ice cream. Spread it like you do with bread and jam.
10) Put the other portion on it just like sandwich.
11) Set it in freezer for overnight.
12) Cut it into square shape and enjoy this delicious nutty and ice cream flavor sandwich.

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